Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The most asked question - why?

This is going to be a bit longer than my usual postings, but the matter is worth every inch ...

I've been lately investing some spare time in trying to figure out what the thought processes of sign makers in China are. As non-relevant or nerdish that might sound at first glance, it is - in my eyes - nevertheless a question that, at least slightly, touches general concepts that China and her citizens and signmakers have about themselves and the world.

I think it is valid to ask why nobody actually proof-reads many of the bilingual signs in China. Signs that are not only displayed publicly but brightly illuminated by night, enlarged to giant proportions as billboard ads or huge commercials on street-long construction site fences.

Most of what I say now is influenced by discussions I recently had with Chinese friends and colleagues. Keep this in mind if I may sound arrogant. I can recall many instances where my Chinese friends look down on their tongbaomen and -women much more than I would ever dare to do (including classic utterances like She has no culture at all 这个人太没文化了。).

Here we go.

Possible approaches to China's bilingual sign-makers

Approach number 1: Nobody speaks English in China.

I think, we can exclude that right away. There are not only enough foreigners in China who could do the job, but - more importantly - enough Chinese university graduates with excellent language skills, even more so when they return from abroad. That many Chinese students struggle with the English language, hence the abundant literature on classroom Chinglish, is well-known, but not relevant here.

Approach number 2: We don't care.

No matter if it is right or wrong, as long as it looks foreign, cool and different (see entry on this Shanghai hairdresser) we are fine with it.
This, of course, wouldn't have much to do with trying to come up with a real translation.

Approach number 3: We don't know better.

Everyone familiar with certain company structures in China knows what I am referring to. Dongfeng Gongsi needs a new company sign, bilingual, international-looking, who is taking charge of that? Of course, Xiao Wang! Why? 因为他的英文是最好的 Because his English is the best!
What does that sentence really mean? Poor Xiao Wang has to deal with something he might not be familiar with at all, but his superiors regard his English to be the best. In the company. So it is naturally him who gets picked for the task. Luckily no one notices the problems afterwards, because his boss's English is nearly non-existent, so he won't bother.

Approach number 4: We want to do it ourselves.

This would be a discussion about "losing face". How come we've built the Forbidden City and now have to rely on red-haired barbarians helping us with their language! An unlikely scenario, but I wouldn't want to exclude anything too early.

Approach number 5: The might of online translation tools

In my next posting I'd like to feature some of them trying to show that it is quite likely that many sign makers are actually frequently using free online software to generate their rather characteristic word-by-word translations.
Using these tools for any Chinese sentence is real fun, by the way.

What do you think? What is the most likely approach in your eyes? Did I miss something completely?
I am very much looking forward to any comment!


At 3:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

Generally, we don't say "这个人真的没文化了". Instead, we often say, "这个人太没文化(了)" or "这个人真没文化". ;-)

At 3:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

这个人真的没文化了。---You'd better say, 这个人真没文化 or 这个人太没文化了.

At 3:48 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

My point remains the same, though.

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

i guess we cannot do better is part of the issue.
You have a pretty good grap of Chinese culture and i really like your blog.
Keep it up!

At 7:32 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Thanks for your support!


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...


At 4:54 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...



我会考虑你的常用标识翻译的提供意见。不过现在的问题跟大家都一样,时间不多 :).




At 6:37 AM, Anonymous HellZealot wrote ...

I can recall many instances where my Chinese friends look down on their tongbaomen and -women much more than I would ever dare to do





At 7:08 AM, Blogger AMS金猪 wrote ...

我觉得是中国的英语教学特色遗留的问题.我们学了很多语法词汇句型, 但并没有学到多少真正的日常用语,呵呵,可能这样会导致大部分中国人说英语非常的有特色,也就是老外说的chinglish.
可是这样的情况也不仅仅是发生在中国呢, 那些母语不是英语的国家的人民,说起英语时也经常会用到自家语言的语序语法. 好像荷兰人(95%的人会说英语),你跟他们说Thank you, 他们基本只说no problem,很少听到you are welcome.法国和德国的人民,他们很少说英文,偶尔说出的奇怪的口音和语法经常让人忍俊不禁.意大利就更不用说了...

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...





At 6:12 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...


回答你的问题,我觉得good good study, day day up是学中文的最好的方式吧。


At 6:24 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...


希望你在阿姆斯特丹玩得开心 :)。

“那些母语不是英语的国家的人民,说起英语时也经常会用到自家语言的语序语法. ”

我同意。因此人家说世界上只有美国和英国的英语我不能不反对。印度和新加坡的英语被科学家经承认为特质的英文,我觉得中国英语 China English 将来也会这样。我看,在中国学英语的人差不多已经四亿个,而且不少中文的说法和生词经进入了英文的词汇,如iron rice bowl, drinktea, kweerboy, four-legged essay, the three representatives 等等。

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous pp wrote ...

翻译那些标语的人们中可能会有像我一样科班出身的语言学生,但是没有人教过我们这样的日常用语该怎样说,我们的知识区域里一片空白,毫无头绪。拿我自己来做例子,在冬季学期里我选了《德语语言学导论》(Einfuehrung in der Sprachwissenschaft des Deutsch)这门课。很黑色幽默的是,我像一个能听懂和看懂不能表达的失语症患者坐在一群不能理解句子补足语(Ergaenzung)和自由说明语(freie Angabe)的德国学生中间。我说的德语对他们来说充满了奇怪的感觉,但是我的考试成绩却是1.0。

At 4:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

my dad went to high school in the late 60s, his first English class was like "Chairman Mao, long life long life long long life!", then the second "Give up, no harm"!
it was just unbelievable when he told me that. sigh...let's pour some civilization back to my homeland...to flood the RED dirt

At 10:00 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Dear Anonymous,

the only reason why I published this comment is because of your father's personal account, in general I don't like political commentary in the form of one-liners, your statement sounds like a relic from the McCarthy era.



At 2:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...


At 4:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...


At 5:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

Living in Beijing on and off for nearly 10 years I think that all of the issues you mention are valid.

The one thing I would say where there is no excuse are in government buildings or "official" announcements. These should be proof-read by native speakers in whatever language they may be. Until recently, there has been a clear sentiment that "we can do this ourselves" and it has worked in some cases, but often not. Now, especially with pressure from the Olympics, to make sure to not "lose face" on the "big day" foreigners have been hired as language consultants and Beijing has begun an initiative to erradicate Chinglish on public signs.

As an example of choice as opposed to correctness, the Beijing and Shanghai subway station names are interesting. Shanghai has official translations of lu as Road and jie as Street and uses these, while Beijing, as the capital, insists on using the official Pinyin transliteration (with exceptions for Tiananmen East/West and Lama Temple...and possibly the future Temple of Heaven?) Shanghai seems more willing to accept English signage.

Great website! Looking forward to seeing more. I will be sure to keep an eye out for interesting English faux pas in Beijing.

At 6:10 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Good point about the governmental signs.

And thank you for bringing up the different street naming systems, let me get back on that after some research.

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Ace wrote ...

Approach number 4: We want to do it ourselves.
Another presumption like the hypothesis above: We are over self-confidence.
May there is some kind of poster had the idea as that "The Chinglish on poster make me clear, so do others". Then no more proof and modify.
Language is changing, Chinglish is just another branch of the Old Anglian. Whereas, some notices which were led to misunderstanding must be avoided.

At 10:52 PM, Anonymous xiaolu wrote ...

Hi, jetzt kommt meine erste Frage. Hast du allein den chinesischen Text geschrieben, es ist ... hahahahaha, buguo hai bu cuo la.
Ich habe die fünf Möglichkeiten gelesen, eins und vier finde ich unmöglich, warum? Das weißt du bestimmt mehr als ich.
Nach der Reden mit einer Chinesin bemerkt ich, dass viele Chinesen die Anzeige gar nicht lesen, obwohl die schon Englisch können. Man muss es noch dabei nehmen, dass die Anzeigen meistens von den entsprechenden Ämtern gemacht werden, und zwar schon seit lange her, und damals konnte meiste Chinesen keine Englisch... wo xiang shuo hao duo hua, zhe yang xie tai lei le.

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...


例子:曾经有外国朋友抱怨,在上海,澳门路路牌下的英文是Macau Road,西藏南路是South Tibet Road。这样完全照搬英文,根本没有考虑过这个英文标识的用途。实际产生的问题就是,如果外国人照着这个发音来问路,不懂英文的中国人还是根本不知道Macau或者Tibet是个什么东西。现在是不是改了,我不太清楚。

产生的结果:1.反正也不会真的有外国人来看。 2.意思差不多就行了(职业精神不到位)。

At 11:24 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...


At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

I can recall many instances where my Chinese friends look down on their tongbaomen and -women much more than I would ever dare to do








olr — 纪韶融 说...

---嘿嘿,您的"的"用的比较多哦~ 很高兴你"的"这个"的"字一般不用的~~~不过,您的汉语已经好的让我惊讶了..会心的微笑中...

At 6:29 PM, Blogger ZHUAIZOU wrote ...

呵呵 楼上的6:29 PM 是我啦~

At 12:26 PM, Anonymous leng wrote ...


At 12:07 PM, Blogger 愤青 wrote ...

果然很搞笑 太有才了!

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Cyril wrote ...

Then, olr, I am redirected to this page by your posting.
Your current five approaches are good guesses and I find they are not mutually exclusive, as with Approach 4 and 5.
I would like to vote for Approach 3, “We don't know better” and want to change it a bit by suggesting “We don’t know better or we don’t bother to find better”. This happens so frequently that I tend to think it is the biggest reason behind all wrong or Chinglish translations. Additionally, this is part of what I refer to by saying “lack of serious attitude”. Let’s take the instructions for “龟苓膏”. The first thing comes to the medicine maker’s mind when he is thinking of having the instructions translated must be somebody he knows and is schooled in the foreign language. For most businessmen, if the translation does not mean a lot to his business, I bet they will not bother to find somebody more qualified or a professional translation company. As it can be predicted, the unqualified translator asked in to do the job will find himself challenged, in both understanding the text and putting it in acceptable English. In most cases, the translator would not reject the request, for one thing, to save his own face, and for another thing, to avoid letting down his friend (the medicine maker). Eventually, lack of a serious attitude in the both persons leads to improper translation.
I’m thinking Approach 5, “We want to do it ourselves”, can have the second place. You are right: losing face is the last thing many Chinese would do. Numerous small business owners would have translation done by himself or somebody else they know, using online translation service or translation software.
I also came up with another possible approach – People don’t care. I believe this explains why many translation service seekers end up with poor results when they can afford best translation and have known the translation provider he sends for cannot be relied on for quality work. Yeah, people don’t care and many don’t even read it, then why should I go far to have a professional translator that cost much more time and money?
I’ve got a feeling that these approaches are a bit mutually inclusive. Hope you receive many suggestions, have time to sort them, and make them relatively irrelevant of each other.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Thanks for your extensive comment, Cyril. You are right, all approaches except number 1 seem to be part of the problem. But lack of attitude is clearly something that will have to change as China opens up more and more.



At 12:42 PM, Blogger Bingling wrote ...

而且我觉得有些比标准英语翻译的更到位,比如英年早逝:Handsome Year, Morning Die. 多帅!不比Too Young To Die生动多了,哈哈!
继续支持我可爱的中国式英语,顶起顶起!UP UP!


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