Sunday, June 22, 2008

A man of taste.

The purchase of the day. What could this lovely "present" be?

Nothing less than a wonderful toilet brush!

Found in a Beijing supermarket.


At 3:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous zheng xi wrote ...

hahah, very funny! you can really find a lot of such advertisements in China which i personally actually think there is humor behind them...just like the socalled "抖包袱" in Chinese "相声" art.

i just remember another advertisement of "heng yuanxiang"(you must have seen it in TV). and my comment:!106760E4ADB58010!448.entry

also for your mittagpause.:)


At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

New chinglish,haha!

At 12:19 PM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Thanks, Xi!

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Harmjan wrote ...

Well, what's so funny about this, it's the truth ;)!

It is comfortable, but it depends how you use it, haha!

I don't agree abouth the 'stylish' part though :P

At 4:29 AM, Anonymous GalaxySong wrote ...

The "present" might be supposed to mean "gift", I guess.

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Jack wrote ...

Funny enough, indeed. First I thought you were making a joke to all your readers.

If we correct this sentence, I think 'Present' is a worng word. Makes me believe that I can take it with me out of the supermarket without paying for it, right? Just use the name ' Brush or Toiletbrush' is a better choice.

Second point is: we always find "Big words are used for small things". Stylish and life style are totally big words. We can use them to advertise our cars, our apartment house, our laptop, or even our mobile phone. But never never put them on a toiletbrush!



At 5:03 PM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

You are right, Jack! Should have just taken it with me, walking straight past the cash counter!

Big words for small things - well said, basically PR lingo, which in China is used in the most unexpected settings, making it look even more out of place.

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous qiaoqiao wrote ...

hehehe,i'm a chinese guy. i think maybe it's a black hummor. if you a chinese person and never used this type of Toiletbrush to clean your toilet, maybe it's really a present for your stylish! you know closestool came from western.



At 6:37 AM, Anonymous shamubro wrote ...

this might be borrowed from the slogan of some brand toothbrush. They are similar stuff anyway.

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Xao wrote ...

Made my day! :D

At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

yes galaxysong... present is a british english word and gift is an ae word^^! well, u're from america?


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