Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The might and magic of online translation tools.

As stated in my previous post The most asked question - why? I hereby present some examples of free online translation software that might help to further support my theory of many Chinglish signs actually being produced by using online services.

I randomly selected some of this collection's catchier phrases and ran translation quests on five different websites (their adresses are found below).

As you can see, the outcome is not only pure Chinglish (as is the case with almost any other language), but sometimes quite similar to what I have found on public signs around the country (the original translations are shown in brackets). Enjoy.

(After first under on, do riding with civility, see original entry)
(1) After first under on, the civilization rides in a carriage.
(2) Go down upper, civilized riding of queen first.
(3) After descending first up, the civilization goes by car.
(4) After the jump, civilized ride.
(5) Under on, the civilization rides in a carriage after first.

青青的草 怕你的脚
(Green grass dreading your feet, see original entry)
(1) The blue grass fears your foot.
(2) Green grass is afraid of your foot.
(3) The very green grass fears your feet.
(4) Green grass afraid your legs.
(5) The blue grass fears your foot.

小草有情 你当有意
(Love the litter grass, see original entry)
(1) The grass feels emotion you when intends.
(2) Small grass has feeling you should have a mind to.
(3) The small grass has feeling you to be to have intention to.
(4) When you intend to large and enthusiastic. (!)
(5) The grass feels emotion you when intends.

注意安全 请勿戏水
(Noticing Security, Don't play water, see original entry)
(1) Pays attention safely please do not play with water.
(2) Pay attention to safety not play with water please.
(3) Noticing the safety pleases not drama water.
(4) Do not playing in the water safety.
(5) Pays attention safely please do not play with water.

(Salute to the tourists who keep the public hygience, see original entry)
(1) Salutes to the aware maintenance public health tourist.
(2) Salute to the visitor who defends public health conscientiously.
(3) Pay respects toward the visitor who aware of self to support public hygiene.
(4) Tourists pay tribute to consciously safeguard public health.
(5) Salutes to the aware maintenance public health tourist.

文明参观 讲究卫生
(Visit in civilization, pay attention to hygiene!, see original entry)
(1) Civilized visit Is fastidious the health.
(2) Civilization is paid a visit to Pay attention to hygiene.
(3) Civilization visit Pay attention to hygiene.
(4) Civilization tour Stress health.
(5) The civilization visits Is fastidious hygienic.

(Don't forget to carry your thing, see original entry)
(1) Please do not forget along with the goods.
(2) Do not forget please with self article.
(3) Please don't forget personal luggage.
(4) Do not forget belongings.
(5) Please do not forget along with goods.

And last, but not least:
(Deformed man toilet, see blog header)
(1) Disabled person restroom
(2) Deformed man toilet (!)
(3) Disable and sick person's toilet
(4) Disabled toilet
(5) Disabled person restroom

Used online services
(1) (same as Altavista's Babelfish?)

I was just informed that tool (2) has changed its engine to Altavista's translation service some time after this entry.
I tried to post several of the slogans on display above and didn't show any translations at all (using bits and pieces works fine). It seems they removed all problematic utterances that I've put on here. Interesting, indeed. I keep you updated.

Update 2:
A week later properly uses it's own translations again, resulting in the very special "deformed man toilet". Back to normal, it seems.


At 7:03 AM, Blogger codeman38 wrote ...

It appears that Godict has changed their translation engine to that used by Babelfish since your post was made. Interesting.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Thanks for letting me know, Codeman.

I'd still be cautious about whether this has got sth to do with I just don't think that my site has such a reach.



At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Summer wrote ...

Free online translations really suck cuz they are from machine and, it's free, haha!~

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

1. 冲走秽气,创造清气
Dirtiness away
Cleanness every day

2. 只需举手之劳,这里就清洁一新
Lift your finger barely
Make a new look entirely
3. 节约,从一滴水开始
Save water,
Every drop counts
4. 一点一滴汇聚生命之源
A drop of water
The source of life
5. 文明从节约点滴开始
Civilization begins with every drop
Save,do not waste!
Cherish, do not ignore!
7. 今天流走的是水,明天将是你的眼泪。
Waste a drop of water
Tears in the future
8. 干净,卫生
Overall effort for cleanness and sanitation
9. 文明你的语言,优雅你的举止
Mind your language
Refine your behavior
10. 校园文明行
Civilization in school
Civilization in action
11. 珍惜每一滴水,让地球妈妈不再哭泣
Take action at water saving
Stop earth mother from crying
12. 请用你的手拭去我的眼泪
To lift one finger
To save the water


At 4:46 AM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...




At 3:10 AM, Blogger codeman38 wrote ...

OK, this is *really* weird. Does Godict have several translation servers or something? I was getting the same translations as Altavista a week ago, but now I'm getting the ones you listed for #2 (including the infamous "deformed man toilet")!

At 4:49 PM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Very interesting, indeed. What is your theory?
After a week of media attention back to normal?

At 4:06 PM, Blogger bratrice wrote ...

Hi, it's me again.
I used Godict to translate 残疾人厕所, from traditional chinese(my mistake) to english, I have:
illness person institute!!

At 4:40 PM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Thanks, man!
It is truely mysterious ...


At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Jonathan W wrote ...

hehe.. I just came across your blog on wikipedia lol

tell ya, me speak vely good engrish :) me is chinese.

na, just joking. I was browsing through "Chinglish", with all the funny signs with the online translations.

残疾人厕所 is probably the funniest... deformed toilet.

let me deduce... you may be german and speak both chinese and english in singapore. am I right? I'm currently in South Africa... Chinese.

nice blog u have here :) keep up the good work!

At 6:57 PM, Blogger olr — 纪韶融 wrote ...

Thanks, Jonathan.

Yes, I am German.


Have fun in South Africa.

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous 花儿朵朵开 wrote ...

I really don't think the translation servers can do a standard translation. Instead, I would like to get the words of translation servers for reference, for my English is not so rich.
I lose my voice this morning when I have told "french" means "法语" while it means "法国" on a translation server when my fellow entrying "french".
Many thanks for your field.

At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote ...

I really don't think the translation servers can do a standard translation. Instead, I would like to get the words of translation servers for reference, for my English is not so rich.
I lose my voice this morning when I have told "french" means "法语" while it means "法国" on a translation server when my fellow entrying "french".
Many thanks for your field.


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